24/7 Emergency Service Available

4 Monroe Ave, Uniontown, PA 15401-2929

(724) 438-5400


What happens when there’s a power failure in your neighborhood? Are you inconvenienced without lights, hot water, a sump pump, and refrigeration? Do outages in the winter leave you without heat and the potential of freezing water pipes? Does no electricity in the summer suspend the use of the air conditioner? The risk of flooding, mold growth, property damage, expense, and aggravation can be avoided. You need a permanently installed standby generator.

Keep Your Home Safe with a Generator

A generator from Fayette Furnace Company can quickly pay for itself. Consider the cost of staying in a hotel, spoiled food, a water-logged basement, and burst pipes. Now think about the convenience of continuing everyday life with no disruption. In the event of an outage, the standby generator automatically starts up, takes over, and operates for as long as necessary. You don’t need to be on the premises or worry about refueling.

Don’t Miss a Thing with Generators

Fayette Furnace Company fulfills both residential and commercial generator requirements. We customize our recommendations to suit your exact objectives. Whether you’re targeting specific appliances or the entire home or commercial facility, we work within your parameters to ensure an ideal and reliable solution. Along with expert installation, our skilled professionals handle any maintenance or repair needs for all makes and models of generators. Call us at (724) 438-5400 or complete our contact form to schedule service anywhere across Uniontown, Connellsville, Masontown, Oliver, Brownsville, Hopwood and Fairchance, PA.

Generator Service, Home Generator Contractor & Generator Repair Uniontown, PA, Connellsville, PA, Oliver, PA, Hopwood, PA, Masontown, PA & Fairchance, PA

Home Generator Contractor in Uniontown, PA | Generator Service Connellsville, PA | Generator Repair Oliver, PA

Home Generator ContractorGenerator ServiceGenerator Repair ∴ Fairchance, PA ∴ Connellsville, PA ∴ Uniontown, PA

Customer Reviews

Lemont Furnace, PA

Farmington, PA

Dunbar, PA

Brownsville, PA

Grindstone, PA

Perryopolis, PA

Smock, PA

Hiller, PA

Smithfield, PA

Republic, PA